Ride the Linimo

Timetable / Fares / Station map


Linimo is operated according to the three timetables below. Please be sure to refer to the correct timetable.

  • ・ Timetable No. 1 for weekdays from April to July and October to January.
  • ・ Timetable No. 2 for weekdays in August, September, February and March.
  • ・ Timetable for Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays throughout the year.

* Timetable may vary due to events.

Entire Timetable

See below for timetables for each station.
Timetables for each station will be displayed.

Station Up (for Fujigaoka) Down (for Yakusa)
藤が丘駅 Fujigaoka 128KB
はなみずき通駅 Hanamizuki-dori 124KB 126KB
杁ヶ池公園駅 Irigaike Koen 124KB 126KB
長久手古戦場駅 Nagakute Kosenjo 124KB 126KB
芸大通駅 Geidai-dori 124KB 126KB
公園西駅 Koen Nishi 124KB 126KB
愛・地球博記念公園駅 Ai・Chikyuhaku Kinen Koen 136KB 137KB
陶磁資料館南駅 Tojishiryokan Minami 136KB 137KB
八草駅 Yakusa 128KB


Child Fujigaoka 170 yen 240 yen 240 yen 300 yen 300 yen 360 yen 360 yen 380 yen
90 yen Hanamizuki-dori 170 yen 170 yen 240 yen 300 yen 300 yen 360 yen 360 yen
120 yen 90 yen Irigaike koen 170 yen 240 yen 240 yen 300 yen 300 yen 360 yen
120 yen 90 yen 90 yen Nagakute kosenjo 170 yen 240 yen 240 yen 300 yen 300 yen
150 yen 120 yen 120 yen 90 yen Geidai-dori 170 yen 240 yen 240 yen 300 yen
150 yen 150 yen 120 yen 120 yen 90 yen Koen Nishi 170 yen 170 yen 240 yen
180 yen 150 yen 150 yen 120 yen 120 yen 90 yen Ai・Chikyuhaku Kinen Koen 170 yen 170 yen
180 yen 180 yen 150 yen 150 yen 120 yen 90 yen 90 yen Toji Shiryokan Minami 170 yen
190 yen 180 yen 180 yen 150 yen 150 yen 120 yen 90 yen 90 yen Yakusa

Fare category

Adult Age 12 and over
Child Age 6 to under 12
(A child's fare will be applied to a child aged 12 who is an elementary school student.)
Infant Age 1 to under 6
(An infant's fare will be applied to a child aged 6 who has not enrolled in elementary school yet.)
Baby Under age 1
  • ・ No fare will be charged on up to two infants accompanied by a guardian who is age 6 and older. However, a child's fare will be applied when the infant is traveling without a guardian.
  • ・ No fare will be charged for babies.
  • ・ Persons with a physical or intellectual disability who are certified as Type 1 for purposes of the rail fare discount together with one traveling companion will both receive a 50% discount on their tickets. Please inquire for further details.